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Get Waypoints from GPS (nmea method) - Downloads the Waypoints from the GPS and displays them on the map. The waypoints can then be manipulated and saved to a file for future use.

Get Waypoints from GPS (fast method) - Downloads the Waypoints from the GPS and displays them on the map using a fast binary protocol. The waypoints can then be manipulated and saved to a file for future use. Note that waypoints downloaded using the "Fast" method do not have the waypoint symbol number with the downloaded data.

Get Routes from GPS - Downloads the Routes from the GPS and displays them on the map. The routes can then be manipulated and saved to a file for future use. The Waypoints should have already been downloaded from the GPS (or loaded from a file) and be displayed on the map before downloading the routes.

Get Track from GPS (fast method) - Downloads the Track from the GPS and displays it on the map using a fast binary protocol. Not all MLR's may support this protocol. The track can then be manipulated and saved to a file for future use. The downloaded track is always put into Track 1.

Get Track from GPS (nmea method) - Downloads the Track from the GPS and displays it on the map using the NMEA protocol. The track can then be manipulated and saved to a file for future use. The downloaded track is always put into Track 1.

Get Map Profile from GPS - Some MLR's have the ability to store a simple map as lines, this downloads the map data as a track.

Send Waypoints to GPS - Uploads the Waypoints loaded on the map to the GPS.

Send Routes to GPS - Uploads the Routes which are loaded to the GPS. The Waypoints used in the Routes must be uploaded to the GPS first.

Send Map Profile to GPS - Some MLR's have the ability to store a simple map as lines, this allows the map to be uploaded from track 1.

Reset GPS - Use with caution, this resets the GPS back to factory defaults removing all configuration and data.

It is not possible to send tracks to an MLR GPS.