Save Menu

Save Map File - Saves the currently loaded map to a file, a new file name can be specified if desired. This option is used when making changes to a map such as adding Map Features or Map Comments.

Save Waypoints to File - Saves the currently loaded Waypoints to a file, a new file name can be specified if desired.

Save Events to File - Saves the currently loaded Events to a file, a new file name can be specified if desired.

Save Track to File - Saves the currently loaded Track (Track 1)   to a file, a new file name can be specified if desired. If Track Numbers other than Track 1 are to be saved use the Track Control.

Save Routes to File  - Saves the currently loaded Routes to a file, a new file name can be specified if desired.

Save Points to File

Export Waypoints to Text File - Provides options to export the currently loaded Waypoints in various formats. The resultant file is a comma delimited text file, see Exporting Waypoints for details.

Export Track

Export to ESRI Shape File (see Exporting to ESRI Shape Files for details)

Export to GPX File (Wps and Tracks)

Export to Google Earth