Special Keys and Information

This page lists the keys which can be used or actions which can be done but are not discoverable by the user and have no other page to be placed in.


Calibration Points When in calibration mode the calibration points (circles) can be adjusted by holding down the shift key and using the arrow keys.
Cursor Move The cursor can be moved by holding down the shift key and using the arrow keys. The map screen must have the focus. If adding waypoints etc holding the shift key down and pressing the Enter key will add the object.
Events When adding Events using the mouse pointer directly on the map, you can hold down the Alt key and instead of adding an Event a Waypoint will be added (saves having to click the buttons on the Toolbar). Conversely when adding Waypoints holding the Alt key down will add an Event instead.
Map Comments See Map Objects below.
Map Features See Map Objects below.
Map Objects

There are two ways of dragging objects (Waypoints, Events, Map Features or Map Comments).

  • Press the Drag button down, press and hold on the object and drag to the new position.
  • When the Drag button is not active, the map objects can still be dragged, you must also hold down the shift key when dragging with the mouse.
Map - Scroll
  • Scroll the map by dragging with the mouse, hold down the left mouse button and drag with the mouse.
  • The map can be scrolled using the keyboard arrow keys. The map screen must have the focus.
Track Points When adding Track Points to a track use the Alt key to start a new track section.
Waypoints When adding Waypoints using the mouse pointer directly on the map, you can hold down the Alt key and instead of adding a waypoint an Event will be added (saves having to click the buttons on the Toolbar). Conversely when adding Events holding the Alt key down will add a Waypoint instead.
Waypoints See Map Objects above.
Zoom Levels The zoom levels can be changed by pressing the PgDn and PgUp keys. The map screen must have the focus of course.

Useful Information

Distance Measurement To zero the Total Distance field in the Distance & Bearing window simply double click on the field itself.
Map Open At Startup To open a particular map at Startup, the map name can be passed as a parameter to OziExplorer. If the map is not local the path and extension (.map) are required.
Position Display Right click on the position display and alternate grid display (above the map) to change the display format. These changes are not remembered the next time Oziexplorer is run, use the configuration to do this.
Properties Window Double Click on any Map Object (Waypoint, Event, Map Feature or Map Comment) to open the properties window.
Zoom Window The Zoom Window can be dragged to any position, simple click on it and drag.

Lat/Long Position Formats

It is possible to enter Lat/Long positions in other formats instead of just Degrees and Minutes.

Decimal Degrees To enter as Decimal Degrees you put the decimal part of the number in the minutes field. The decimal point must be the first character in the minutes field. For international settings the decimal separator may also be a comma (,).

Example this is the same as 26 degrees 30 minutes.

Degrees, Minutes
& Seconds
To enter as Degrees & Minutes & Seconds you put the Minutes and Seconds in the Minutes field separated by a space.

Example this is the same as 26 degrees 10.5 minutes.

Special Note It doesn't matter what Lat/Lon format you have specified in Configuration, positions can be entered in any format.

Startup Parameters

The following command line parameters can be used when starting OziExplorer

Note, the / is part of the parameter name.

A map name can be included on the command line but it must come first

/mmstart - Starts Moving Map (NMEA) communication
/mmcontrol - Shows the Moving Map Control
/navcontrol - Shows the Navigation Control
/gpsfix - Shows the GPS Fix window

example  command lines
oziexp.exe /mmstart /mmcontrol /navcontrol /gpsfix
oziexp.exe /mmstart
oziexp.exe c:\oziexplorer\maps\mymap.map /mmstart /mmcontrol

The following files cause changes in OziExplorers actions

"tiffull.dat" - Tiff files will be loaded fully into memory instead of being paged from disk as required. Useful for laptops so the disk is not being continually accessed. This does not take into account the memory requirements of the image, if the image is very large it may take considerable time to load or not load at all.
"bsbfull.dat" - The same as above but for BSB files.
"tripmate.dat" - OziExplorer will look for a tripmate GPS when it starts moving map (nmea) mode.
"showxy.dat" - OziExplorer will show the x,y pixel coordinates of the map image on the status line, this is useful when using OziExplorer to setup image calibration for use in other software.

The file(s) must have the above names and be placed in the same folder as the OziExplorer exe file. The files can have anything in them or be empty it does not matter.